Another Model Presentation — from Hunter-Tannersville

It was exactly one year ago that Jordan J was inspired by someone else’s WISE project. Kylie M, a WISE graduate from the class of 2016, had done her WISE project on equine veterinary medicine, something that truly resonated with animal lover Jordan. She decided then and there that veterinary medicine would be her WISE focus; so successful was she, that she was selected to give the 2017 Hunter-Tannersville Model Presentation on May 30th.Jordan volunteered at the Henson Veterinary Clinic as well as at the Ulster County SPCA. She was exposed to a wide range of veterinary experiences: the good, the exciting and the questionable.

To start off her presentation, she introduced her audience to “Charlie Brown”, a rescued beagle from the Ulster County SPCA – definitely a high point for her. She then went on using power point to document the rest of her experiences, including videos and slides taken during a spaying that she was allowed to witness.  This turned out to be something of a turning point for her, because it made her realize that, while she definitely wanted to pursue some aspect of veterinary medicine, surgery might not be at the top of her wish list. She is now considering beginning with a career as a veterinary technician rather than pursuing a veterinary doctor’s degree, although that is still a possibility. Once again, WISE has proven the value of hands-on experience when it comes to making decisions about a future career and the education necessary for that career.

Ms. Ashley Cameron, Jordan’s Mentor, Jordan, and Mr. Ryan        Funck, WISE coordinator (and the head of Charlie Brown)


Jordan was everything a model presenter is supposed to be: poised, articulate and happy to share her experience with the juniors, seniors, and teachers who were present. Her WISE cohorts certainly enjoyed her presentation and were psyched to go on themselves to WISE NIGHT, Tuesday, June 6th, when the rest of the 2017 Hunter-Tannersville WISE class would present would present their ‘gifts’ of projects to all those in attendance.

















Ms. Ashley Cameron, Jordan’s Mentor, Jordan, and Mr. Ryan Funck, WISE coordinator

(and the head of Charlie Brown)

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