Tennis Coach

My name is Susan Fitts-Sibilia. I am a 1975 Woodlands graduate. By January of my senior year I was ready to leave high school and get on with the next chapter of my life. However, this was not a viable option. So, I decided to do the WISE program….to be honest… so I could get out of class. I had no idea what kind of life changing experience it was going to turn out to be.

Tennis had been my passion. I played varsity tennis since I was a sophomore. When I started thinking about what to do I recalled that I couldn’t play as a freshman because we did not have a junior varsity tennis team. So, I decided to organize and coach one as my WISE project. In addition I held clinics for elementary school children teaching them the fundamentals.

What I discovered as a 17 year old would wind up shaping who I became as an adult. Children became my passion. Observing them grasping a new skill was so powerful, I became a teacher. In 2009, after teaching for 30 years, I joined WISE Services because I believe so much in what it does for high school seniors.

Without the WISE program I do not know if I would have ever discovered my true passion. Thank you WISE.

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